5 Misconceptions Japanese Athletes Don't Understand About College Basketball Recruiting in the US (PART 1) アメリカの大学バスケットボールリクルーティングに関する日本のアスリートが理解していない5つの誤解(パート1)

1/21/20257 分読む

5 Misconceptions Athletes From Japan Don't Understand About College Basketball Recruiting in the US (PART 1)

College basketball recruiting in the U.S. is a maze, even for the most informed athletes. For players coming from Japan, navigating the process can feel overwhelming. To shed light on the process, here are five common misconceptions—and the truth behind them.

The latest NCAA Division I statistics show that there are 540,000 high school boys' basketball players in the U.S. each year, and about 18,000 play college basketball across all divisions (D1, D2, D3, NAIA, and JUCO). Of those, only about 1,700 players are on Division I rosters. That means only about 1% of high school players in the US play Division I.

1. Only Division I Schools Are Worth Considering

2. Just Playing in the US for High School or Prep School Is All You Need to Be Recruited

While being in the US has its inherent value—coaches can watch you play live, there is more scout/media coverage, and the ability to play against higher competition—not all situations offer the same value.

3. Coaches Will Find You If You’re Good Enough

There are thousands of players in high school across the globe, most of whom would love a shot to play at the collegiate level in the US. College coaches can’t see everyone, and some players do fall through the cracks, don’t have the exposure that others have had, or they are late bloomers. Many coaches rely on scouts or word of mouth from others within the industry to build a recruiting board. Being abroad obviously has its challenges simply because there are fewer eyes on these players. The reality is, with the ever-changing landscape of college recruiting and the transfer portal, recruiting for high school players is the most difficult it’s ever been.

Considering the most recent data shows that 120,000-150,000 high school boys play in Japan, the odds of a player coming from Japan to play Division I are well below 1%. In the history of NCAA college basketball, just over 10 players who have lived all or a significant amount of their youth in Japan have gone on to be Division I scholarship athletes. Adding walk-ons (non-scholarship), it reaches closer to 20. The odds of reaching that level are significantly low.

While understanding the range of opportunities is essential, another common myth is that simply being in the U.S. guarantees recruitment.

Division I may get most of the media attention, but it's not the only path to success. Division II, Division III, NAIA, and junior colleges all offer competitive opportunities, scholarships, and paths to professional basketball or further education. For many Japanese athletes, these levels are a better fit due to differences in physicality, playing time opportunities, or academic preferences. What most don’t understand is how good the basketball is at these levels. Every year, when given the chance, there are Division II, III, and NAIA teams that are competitive and beat Division I programs. The media and social media attention are on Division I, but the skill across all levels is very high.

The temptation for some is to get to the US as soon as possible for high school or prep school, no matter the situation. To maximize recruiting, players should be searching for situations where they will first and foremost develop. Development doesn’t come from just playing games; players should focus on where coaches emphasize playing in a way that will translate to the next level. Trainers, teams, and coaches that emphasize or allow a lot of 1-on-1 play, while there is a time and place for this skill, for most, this is not a role they will play at the college level. Outside of primary ball handlers who are bringing the ball up the court, most players may have the ball in their hands 10% of the time in any given game. Players need to work on being efficient in this limited time—preparing before the catch, scoring in 1-2 dribbles, reading the defense, and moving the ball.

Another situation players will find themselves in is wanting to play on big-name programs because they believe playing alongside a team full of Division I recruits will get them noticed. There are situations where teammates of recruits will also get seen and recruited, but many times players from Japan are on second or third teams with no chance to play with high-level recruits. Without clearly knowing the situation a player is coming into, oftentimes these second and third team players are paying full tuition or are on “scholarship” for a cheaper price than the sticker price, but the money is ultimately going to fund the real scholarships for the top-level players. Playing on a second or third team can be a beneficial situation, and you can get recruited from these teams, but players should have a very good understanding of which team they will play on and what type of recruiting they may be getting into. Playing for a smaller program, where coaches can focus on development and individual recruiting, can be a much more fruitful path.

Even with the right development environment, getting noticed by college coaches requires more effort than simply waiting for opportunities to come to you.

Top-level national players will inherently have an advantage over most because of their ability to play in international tournaments. College coaches follow FIBA tournaments and are interested in up-and-coming international players. These players also get recommended to international events like Basketball Without Borders and The Jordan Brand Classic. Some may even have a chance to play at the professional level domestically, which can give a leg up playing against higher-level competition, but there are also caveats to being able to keep college eligibility.
トップレベルの国内選手は、国際トーナメントでプレイできる能力によって、他の選手に対して本質的な優位性を持っています。大学のコーチはFIBAのトーナメントを追い、次世代の国際選手に興味を持っています。これらの選手は「Basketball Without Borders」や「The Jordan Brand Classic」のような国際イベントに推薦されることもあります。中には国内のプロフェッショナルレベルでプレイするチャンスがあり、より高いレベルの競技相手とプレイすることで有利に働くこともありますが、大学の資格を保持するためにはいくつかの条件があります。

For those not in that elite category, players need to increase their exposure and enhance their ability to be recruited. One of the simplest ways to start is by putting together a quality highlight reel for coaches to see what you can bring to the table. You will also need some links for full game film that coaches can view. While highlights are essential to get your name out there—and anyone can make themselves look great from a few clips—coaches will do their due diligence to find out how you really play.

Once you’ve got a solid reel together, you’ll need to find some means to get this tape to coaches. The simplest approach is to draft an email to coaches and send out information about yourself with your highlight reel. While this approach is often left with many unanswered emails and can feel like throwing darts in the dark, all you need is to get one coach to open that email and give you a chance.

Samurai Kaine Roberts, the first player from Japan to be recruited to play Division I basketball (Stony Brook) after playing in the B.League.
Samurai カイン・ロバーツは、Bリーグでプレイした後、ディビジョンIバスケットボール (ストーニーブルック) にリクルートされた日本初の選手です。

Coach Brian Bender of Ellsworth College at Tokyo Samurai Exposure CAmp, teaching High School players what he expects from his college Players.
エルズワース・カレッジのブライアン・ベンダーコーチが東京Samurai Exposure Campで、高校生選手に大学の選手に求めることを教えています。

Having someone who can do this for you can increase your chances significantly if you have the right resources. In the US, this may be done by the high school, prep, or club coach. While this might not be readily available for those abroad, some might turn to recruiting services that promote their ability to match you with coaches that will fit your level—for a fee. Appealing as it may sound, in our experience with players, a majority of the time, this comes up empty-handed. With hundreds of paying customers, it’s difficult to get the individualized attention some may need. There are reputable services, that are selective and will take you step by step through the recruiting process but you need to do your homework to find the right ones.

Agents may sometimes get involved, whether it’s a professional agent or more increasingly NIL (name, image, likeness) agents who work to get college athletes paid. Agents can be well-connected, but it may not come without strings attached. Agents also want to get paid, and with their goodwill to help players get signed, there may be an expectation for players to return the favor and sign a contract with them.

It takes work and a relentless attitude to get exposure and on a coach’s radar. Tokyo Samurai continues to be the top program in Asia promoting athletes to college coaches in the US. With a large list of contacts with college coaches and scouts, summer travel to play in NCAA-certified exposure events, and a unique understanding of the recruiting process and landscape, Samurai players continue to get placed across all levels of college basketball.
露出を得てコーチの目に留まるためには、努力と relentlessな態度が必要です。「Tokyo Samurai」は、アメリカの大学コーチにアスリートを紹介するアジアのトッププログラムとして引き続き活躍しています。大学のコーチやスカウトとの広範なネットワーク、NCAA認定のエクスポージャーイベントでプレイするための夏の旅行、リクルーティングプロセスとその風景に対する独自の理解を持つSamuraiの選手たちは、すべてのレベルの大学バスケットボールにおいて活躍の場を得続けています。

Top level Summer AAU Tournaments can bring out hundreds of college coaches to scout talent.