What College Basketball Coaches are Really Looking For In A Recruit 大学バスケットボールコーチがリクルートで本当に重視するポイント

1/12/20256 分読む

What College Basketball Coaches are Really Looking For In A Recruit

Every young player dreaming of playing college basketball envisions the moment they receive the call, text or email from a college coach inviting them to join their team. The countless hours in the gym, weight room and in the classroom have paid off. But what separates those who get the call and those who don’t? Unfortunately, there is not one clear answer but a combination of factors that can lead to that first offer.

Size and Athleticism

One of the clear cut factors is obviously starting with size and athleticism.

Height, Speed, Quickness, Vertical Jump, Wingspan, Strength

A quick separator for coaches to take a look at players is their size. There’s no getting around it. Basketball is inherently a tall person’s sport and there are far fewer people in the world who are over 200cm (6’6”) in the world, giving them a natural advantage. Get a combination of 200cm and add some raw athleticism and you have a player that many coaches will immediately be interested in from the start, without seeing them actually play.

While height is largely out of a player’s control (besides eating properly, getting enough sleep), overall athleticism can be controlled. Some players are naturally born with quick twitch muscles, allowing them to jump out of the gym or be a blur on the court. However, these are all areas players can improve with proper training.


How can you mitigate some of the deficiencies of lacking size or athleticism?

Skill - Hours in the gym purposefully working on your craft.
スキル - 目的を持ってジムで練習に取り組む時間。

It Starts With The Fundamentals

The ability to shoot is one of the critical skills that can really stand out when coaches watch you live or on tape. The name of the game is to put the ball in the basket and players who consistently shoot from distance, college coaches will take a look regardless of your size.

Being able to handle the ball and make the right decisions are essential. There are players that can keep the ball on a string and do amazing tricks with the ball but are inefficient when it comes to a real game. Ditch the Instagram mix tape of 100 dribbles to get to the basket and be efficient with the ball. What can you do and where can you go in 2-3 dribbles?

You’ve gotten by your man and you’re in the lane, can you make the pass on time and on target when the rotating defender comes over? Don’t be too focused on making the highlight pass, college coaches want to know if you can make the right pass.

On the flip side of the ball, the rule is simple: you are who you can guard. Can you be a disrupter on defense without being out of position? Always in the right spots to make it hard for your man to get a clean look. Understanding angles and forcing your man into tough spots. Basketball is a team game, so having the ability to not only stop the man in front of you, but in the right position to help your teammates.

Basketball IQ

A big separator from the haves and have not, especially those that lack size and athleticism is Basketball IQ. It’s about understanding the game and anticipating plays before they happen.

Areas that will turn coaches off quickly:

  • Poor Shot Selection

  • High Turnover to Assist Ratio

  • Lost on Defensive Rotations

  • Lack of Court Awareness

A lot of basketball IQ comes down to anticipating what is going to happen. Identifying and recognizing patterns that come up consistently in games. Anticipation allows you to position yourself early, make better decisions, and either disrupt the opponent’s plan on defense or create opportunities on offense. It’s not just about reacting in the moment—it’s about staying a step ahead.


An often overlooked yet critical skill for players is the ability to be consistent. Coaches value players who can reliably contribute every game. Whether it’s being a dependable shooter, maintaining a strong assist-to-turnover ratio, boxing out on every possession, or consistently communicating on defense, consistency builds trust. Coaches want players they can rely on in key moments, not just when they’re having a “hot” game. It’s not about occasional flashes of brilliance but about executing the little things well, game after game.

Beyond the size and athleticism, skill and basketball IQ, lacking in the areas below can get you quickly crossed off a coach’s list.

Coachability and Work Ethic

Talent will only take a player so far. Coaches look for athletes who are willing to learn and work hard. They evaluate:

  • Coachability: How do you respond to a coach’s feedback in game? Attentive in the huddle and receptive to instruction? How do you respond when you get subbed out?
    コーチへの適応力:試合中にコーチのフィードバックにどう反応しますか? ハドルで注意深く指示を聞いていますか? 交代したときにどう反応しますか?

  • Work Ethic: Many players claim they are gym rats, but do you really embrace it? Do you put in extra work outside of team practices? First one in, last one out? College coaches do their due diligence, they ask others what type of work you really put in.
    仕事の取り組み方:多くの選手はジムでの練習をアピールしますが、それを本当に実践していますか? チーム練習以外でも追加の努力をしていますか? 最初に入って最後に出るタイプですか? 大学のコーチは十分なリサーチを行い、他の人にあなたが本当にどれだけ努力しているかを尋ねます。

  • Passion for the Game: Do you show your passion in the game on the court? Your hustle, energy, and attitude on the court are evidence of that. College coaches want to know if you have to be motivated to get on the court or do you love to put in work.
    ゲームへの情熱:コートでゲームに対する情熱を示していますか? あなたのハッスル、エネルギー、コートでの態度がそれを証明しています。大学のコーチは、コートに立つためにモチベーションが必要なのか、それとも努力することが好きなのかを知りたいのです。

Mental Toughness

Coaches want to know how you respond when things don’t go your way. A missed open layup, a bad foul call, losing a close game - they want to know if you bounce back or do you give up.
コーチは、物事がうまくいかないときにどう反応するかを知りたがります。外したオープンレイアップ、誤ったファウルコール、接戦での敗北 - それらにどう反応するか、立ち直れるか、諦めてしまうかを見ています。

  • Resilience: Setbacks happen - an injury, a tough loss, or a bad game. How you respond to adversity speaks volumes about your character.回復力:挫折は誰にでも起こります - ケガ、厳しい敗北、悪い試合。逆境にどう反応するかは、あなたのキャラクターを大きく物語ります。

  • Competitiveness: Coaches love players who hate to lose and give 100% effort every time they step on the court, whether it is a game or practice.

  • Composure: How do you handle pressure in high-stakes moments? Being able to compete under stress is critical.
    冷静さ:重要な瞬間にプレッシャーにどう対応しますか? ストレスの中で競い合うことができることは非常に重要です。

Character and Leadership

Coaches are always looking out for players who bring positivity and leadership to their program.

  • Team-First Attitude: Are you selfless on the court? Do you celebrate your teammates' successes? Selfish players are a quick turnoff for coaches.
    チームファーストの態度:コートで自己中心的ではありませんか? チームメイトの成功を祝いますか? 自分本位な選手はコーチをすぐに遠ざけます。

  • Positive Body Language: Even during tough moments, how do you carry yourself? Does your body language scream positivity? Slumped shoulders, slouching on the bench and eye rolls will have coaches walking away quickly.
    ポジティブなボディランゲージ:困難な瞬間でも、どのように自分を持ちますか? あなたのボディランゲージはポジティブさを示していますか? 肩を落としたり、ベンチで姿勢が悪かったり、目を回すような態度はコーチがすぐに離れてしまいます。

  • Leadership: You don’t have to be the loudest voice in the room to lead. Whether you lead vocally or by example, coaches want to see players that embody bringing their team together.


Academics are a crucial factor in recruitment. The stronger your grades, the more options you have of college teams that can recruit you.

  • Eligibility: Without meeting NCAA standards, you’re not recruitable. It’s that simple.

  • Standardized Tests: Schools have specific test scores you have to reach, particularly when it comes to English. Being able to meet English standards (TOEFL/Duolingo) is essential.

  • Time Management: College basketball requires a lot of discipline. Coaches need to know you can handle practices, games, and classes without falling behind.


Getting recruited to play college basketball takes talent. You have to put in the work for coaches to take notice and possess the skills that will translate to that level (a blog for another day). But recruiting is about more than just talent. It’s about showing you’re a complete package—a skilled athlete, a dedicated student, and a positive influence on and off the court. If you can show the traits coaches are looking for, you’ll increase your chances of earning that coveted roster spot.
